checking & Savings Rates

Rate & Annual Percentage Yield (APY) accurate as of March 1, 2025 and are subject to change without notice.


Share Draft Checking Rates

Share Type Minimum Balance Dividend Rate¹ APY**
Share Draft Checking None 0.02% 0.02%

¹Dividends are credited to your account monthly.

Share Savings Rates

Share/Savings Rates
Share Type Minimum Balance Dividend Rate¹ APY**
Regular Shares $5.00 0.75% 0.75%
Holiday Shares None 0.75% 0.75%
Vacation Shares None 0.75% 0.75%
IRA & Roth IRAs None 0.85% 0.85%
Alternate Shares None 0.75% 0.75%
Statement Savings None 0.75% 0.75%
Super Saver None 0.75% 0.75%

¹Dividends are credited to your account monthly.

Share & IRA Certificate Rates

Share/IRA Certificate
Term Dividend Rate APY**
3 Months 4.17% 4.25%
4 Months 3.93% 4.00%
5 Months 3.93% 4.00%
6 Months 4.17% 4.25%
12 Months 4.17% 4.25%
24 Months 3.49% 3.55%
36 Months 3.20% 3.25%
60 Months 3.20% 3.25%

$500 minimum deposit to open account and earn APY. Share certificates are term accounts, and a penalty will be imposed for early withdrawal.


Money Market Rates

Money Market
Balance Tier Dividend Rate¹ APY**
$0 to $2,499.99 1st 0.00% 0.00%
$2,500 to $9,999.99 2nd 1.34% 1.35%
$10,000 to $24,999.99 3rd 1.44% 1.45%
$25,000 to $49,999.99 4th 1.64% 1.65%
$50,000 + 5th 1.98% 2.00%

¹Dividends are compounded daily and paid monthly. Once the threshold is met, rates apply to the entire balance.


Loan Rates

Rates accurate as of March 1, 2025, and are subject to change without notice. 


New Auto Loan Rates

Up to $125,000

Auto Loans - New
Term APR* as Low as Monthly Payment
36 Months 5.45% $30.18
48 Months 5.99% $23.48
60 Months 5.99% $19.33
72 Months 6.29% $16.71
84 Months 6.99% $15.09
120 Months 7.99% $12.13

All payments quoted above based upon $1,000 borrowed. 120 Month term only for auto loans over $75,000.
Exceptions priced above regular auto loan rates by specified percentage:

  • Over 115% - 125% Loan to Value (LTV) +1.00%
  • Over 125% - 150% LTV + 2.00%
  • Recreational Vehicles + 5.00%


Used Auto Loan Rates

Up to $125,000

Auto Loans - Used
Term APR* as Low as Monthly Payment
36 Months 5.45% $30.18
48 Months 5.99% $23.48
60 Months 5.99% $19.33
72 Months 6.29% $16.71
84 Months 6.99% $15.09
120 Months* 7.99% $12.13

All payments quoted above based upon $1,000 borrowed. 120 Month term only for auto loans over $75,000.
Exceptions priced above regular auto loan rates by specified percentage:
  • Over 115% - 125% Loan to Value (LTV) +1.00%
  • Over 125% - 150% LTV + 2.00%
  • Recreational Vehicles + 5.00%

Personal Line of Credit (PLOC) Rate

Up to $10,000

Personal Line of Credit
PLOC Rate Term APR* as Low as
Variable Rate = Prime + 7% - Changes Monthly Revolving 14.50%

Unsecured Personal Loan Rates

Up to $60,000

Unsecured Personal Loan
Term APR* as Low as Monthly Payment
36 Months 9.99% $32.26
48 Months 10.99% $25.85
60 Months 11.39% $21.94
72 Months 12.39% $19.75
84 Months 13.39% $18.40

All payments quoted based upon $1,000 borrowed.


Seasonal Loan Rate

Seasonal Loan
Balance Term APR* as Low as Monthly Payment
$500 to $2,500 12 months 8.99% $87.43

All payments quoted based upon $1,000 borrowed.


Share Secured Loan Rate

100% of share value

Share Secured Loan
Term APR* as Low as Monthly Payment
Up to 60 months 3.75% $18.31
61-120 months 4.25% $10.25

All payments quoted based upon $1,000 borrowed.


Credit Builder Loan Rate

Up to $5,000

Credit Builder Loan
Term APR* as Low as Monthly Payment
Up to 60 months 3.75% $18.31

All payments quoted based upon $1,000 borrowed.


Credit Card Rates

Credit Cards
Credit Type Term Maximum APR* as low as
Visa® Platinum
1% cash back
Revolving $60,000 12.90%
Visa® Prestige
Variable rate = Prime + 3%
(changes quarterly)
Revolving $60,000 10.50%

Home Equity Loan Rates

Home Equity1 Loan Rates

$5,000 Minimum
Fixed Rate Home Equity
Term APR* as Low as Monthly Payment
36 months 5.99% $30.42
60 months 5.99% $19.33
120 months 6.24% $11.23
180 months 6.74% $8.85
240 months 6.99% $7.75

Home Equity Line of Credit (HELOC)1 Rate

$5,000 Minimum
Home Equity Line of Credit
Term APR* as Low as Monthly Payment²
120 months
Variable rate = Prime - 1.50%
Rate floor = 4.00%
6.00% $11.11

1All home equity loan payments quoted based upon $1,000 borrowed. $100.00 government recording fee due at time of application. Loans limited to 85% of property value minus any existing liens. Loans are limited to 1 to 4 family, owner occupied or second homes which are residential properties located in Pennsylvania. All Home Equity Loans require an appraisal. Appointment required to apply.

2Minimum monthly payment of $20.00.

  • Rates are determined by an evaluation of the applicant’s credit and your actual rate may vary. “A” tier rates advertised, see other rate tiers below.

    Rate Tiers and Credit Scores
    Base Rate ”A” Tier Credit Score = 750+
    +0.50% “B” Tier Credit Score = 680 - 749
    +3.00% “C” Tier Credit Score = 590 - 679
    +5.00% “D” Tier Credit Score = <589

    Home Equity Loans may be on a different rate adjustment.